
Feedback on Consultation Paper CP2024/02 'The JRA's Valuations Standard'

12 Dec 2024

We have published our feedback in respect of our Consultation Paper CP2024/02 'The JRA's Valuations Standard'.

We received four written responses, two from Jersey Incorporated Banks and two from professional services firms.  Respondents were broadly supportive of our proposed Valuations Standard and Valuations Data Template.  Respondents also made a number of recommended enhancements.  We have considered these and made some changes to the Valuations Standard or explained in our Feedback Paper why changes have not been made.  No changes have been made to the Valuations Data Template.  

The Feedback Paper includes a tracked change version of the Valuations Standard so that Jersey Banks can easily identify the amendments made and a clean version has been added to the Policy and Guidance page of our website.  The Valuations Standard applies to Jersey Incorporated Banks only.  

We have not amended the timeline by which a self-assessment in respect of the Valuations Standard is due (30 June 2025).  Any Jersey Bank that believes it may not be able to meet this deadline should notify the JRA of this as soon as possible.  

Further enquiries in relation to the Feedback Paper or the Valuations Standard should be directed to Martin Edwards, Head of the JRA (  

Feedback Paper on Consultation Paper CP2024/02 'The JRA's Valuations Standard'

Final Valuations Standard - clean

Final Valuations Standard - tracked changes

Final Valuations Data Set