
Feedback on Consultation Paper 2023/02 'Operational Continuity in Resolution and Communication Planning Guidance Notes'

22 Feb 2024

We have published our feedback in respect of our Consultation Paper 2023/02 'Operational Continuity in Resolution and Communication Planning Guidance Notes'.  

As set out in our Feedback Paper, we received six responses with most respondents supportive of our proposed guidance.  In some cases respondents made observations or requested further clarity.  This has been provided either within the Feedback Paper or by way of amendments to the respective Guidance Notes.  No changes were necessary in relation to our OCiR Reporting Template.  

Feedback identified a need for us to amend our definition of Critical Shared Services.  A consequential amendment to Policy Statement 2023/01 'Resolution Planning and Resolvability' will be made shortly.

The Feedback Paper includes a tracked change versions of the Guidance Notes so that Jersey Banks can easily identify the amendments made.

Further enquiries in relation to the Feedback Paper or the Guidance Note should be directed to Martin Edwards, Head of the JRA (

Feedback Paper on Consultation Paper 2023/02 'Operational Continuity in Resolution and Communication Planning Guidance Notes'

Final Operational Continuity in Resolution Guidance Note - clean

Final Operational Continuity in Resolution Guidance Note - tracked changes

OCiR Reporting Template

Final Communication Planning Guidance Note - clean

Final Communication Planning Guidance Note - tracked changes